What are the Rights of non-Muslims in Islam

What are the Rights of non-Muslims in Islam

The Rights of non-Muslims in Islam

Islam is the religion of peace. It does not force people to convert, not does it ask Muslims to force non-Muslims into conversion, AND THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT OF DEFENCE, BUT A REALITY. If someone does so, it can be an individual’s approach, not a mentality powered by Islamic teachings.

Additionally, who on earth knows that Prophet Muhammed ï·º enshrined many rights to even non-Muslims in a society. Imam Abu Yusuf writes in his famous book Kitaab al-Kharaaj that Muslims and non-Muslims had equal rights in penal and civil law during the Prophetic and Rashidoon eras. _(Ref: Kitab al-Kharaaj, page 187)_

Not just that, *Prophet Muhammed ï·º said: “The protection of the rights of the non-Muslims is my prime duty.”* _(Ref: Al-Sunan al-Kubra by Imam Bayhaqi, 8:30, al-Musnad by Shafaee, Musnad Abu Haneefah by Abu Nuaem, Jami al-Uloom wa al-Hikam by Ibn Rajab, Bidayatul Mujtahid by Ibn Rushd, and many other books)_

*Equality for all in the Rashidoon era:* Once a Muslim killed a non-Muslim during the time of Sayyiduna Ali’s (ra) caliphate. There were enough proofs against the killer. It was ordered that the Muslim be killed for the heinous crime. However, the relatives of the killer convinced the brother of the killed with blood money. When Sayyiduna Ali (ra) learnt this, he said to the brother: “Maybe they (the family members of the killer) threatened you to accept money”, to which he said that his deceased brother is anyway not going to come back to life, so he thought that the money can help his family members to become financially strong, to a certain extent. Sayyiduna Ali (ra) left it to the wish of the brother of the deceased and said: “The blood of our non-Muslim citizens is similar to the blood of our Muslim citizens, and its blood money is equal to the blood money among us.” _(Ref: Sunan Kubra by Bayhaqi, Abu Yusuf, Musnad by Imam Shafaee, and recorded by scholars like Shaybani, Zeyl’ee, Asqalani, Shawkani)_

During the caliphate of Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab (ra), a Muslim killed a Dhimmi (Dhimmi or ذمی means a non-Muslim living in a free Islamic society). On this, Sayyiduna Umar (ra) ordered and said: “The killer (who was a Muslim) be given to the heirs of the killed. If they want they can kill him, else forgive him.” Subsequently, the Muslim was handed over to the heirs of the non-Muslim victim and they killed him. _(Ref: Sunan Kubra by Bayhaqi, and recorded by other scholars like Shafaee, Shaybani, Zeyl’ee)_

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*Note:* Death penalty in Islam is levied to discourage and suppress the heinous and inhumane acts against mankind in the societies. 

*Fast fact:* According to Pew Research Center, about 60% of Americans were in favor of granting death penalties to the murderers. Know more here: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/07/19/10-facts-about-the-death-penalty-in-the-u-s

*Seerah of Rasoolullah ï·º*
E: seerahofrasoolullah@gmail.com

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