Poetry about the Beloved Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

Poetry about the Beloved Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

Poetry about the Beloved Prophet Pbuh

Poetry about the Beloved Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

Allah, Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
Most Merciful is He
sent our people Prophets
to show us Al Sirat Al Mustaqim

The Prophet Muhammad
unto him and his family
blessings and peace 
was the Final Messenger
of Allah’s decree

he came to show society 
how peacefully we may live
if we show compassion and mercy
to our fellow brothers and sisters in humanity 

the Prophet ﷺ preached kindness humility
and generosity to all human beings 
regardless of riches or status 
we are all servants to our Creator 
Rab Al Alameen

Poetry about the Beloved Mohammad (ﷺ)

Poetry about the Beloved Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

We are Muslims those who believe 
in Allah as the Almighty, Supreme 
and His Messenger Muhammad 
peace and blessings on him and his family 
as the Last Prophet ﷺ most beloved was he
who was sent to people to save humanity 
with the Guide’s prescribed path for
protection from evil and how to receive
blessings compassion and mercy from
reminded us of His Oneness
and supreme decree Al-Qadeer
gave us the power to see right from wrong
becoming more like the Beloved Rasool ﷺ
is all we need to realize the satisfaction 
of Al-Hameed The Praiseworthy

Poetry about the Beloved Prophet of Allah (ﷺ)

The leader of our Ummah
The Final Prophet Muhammad
peace and blessings unto him and his family
showed us how to live act and be 
he treated everyone like a human being
deserving dignity as equals in society 
his teachings only can save humanity
from the treacherous waters we see 
in a world full of illusions and trickery
Alhamdulillah as Muslims we see 
the path of our beloved Prophet ﷺ
he showed us al Sirat al Mustaqim
in his footsteps we follow until we
achieve the pleasure of Allah
Most Loving, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem

*By Sister Jenan Abu-Hakmeh*

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